Origins Story

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LAG (Life After Grad) is what you make it.

As children we imagine the rest of our lives as Disney Moves. Find your prince and live happily ever after; rub the lamp, make three wishes and live happily ever after; Defeat a villain so you can live happily ever after, or just fly to never land, never grow old and… you know the rest. In all actuality not everyone experiences that happy ending. As we mature, we realize that its not as easy to wish upon a star and achieve that fairytale ending. We seem to jump from one illusion, and fall for another perception, “The American Dream.” Work hard and pay your dues and eventually you will make it big, but with that, one of the keys to success is education!

“Life will take you to school”- Carol Jean Hall

The notion of education and schooling is evident everywhere. In school we think graduation is the finale, but what they don’t tell us is it’s just the beginning. 13 years of basic schooling and you come out with a piece of paper, a pretty one, but a piece of paper nonetheless. Similar to our juvenile aspirations, we have expectation of our future life. The only issue is reaching these goals.

School teaches you the skills necessary to perform, however the navigation between school and success, between growing up and grown, there’s no book or course for that. And that my friends is LIFE AFTER GRAD… 


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