Mommy Diaries: Entry 1


Mommy Diaries

Entry 1: Getting a Positive Test

Getting a positive test although sounds like it would be the best thing ever can actually be nerve racking to be honest. Especially if you’re like me and you have preexisting medical conditions (whether it pertains to fertility or not). I have PCOS more properly known as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, and while I would love to spend 45 mins of your time  to educate you, that’s another entry for another day.... In short, cycles can be extremely painful, you have higher testosterone levels then the average female, being pre-diabetic or diabetic is a huge concern, and ultimately it affects fertility. So when you have PCOS the doctors will tell you there is a very low chance to no chance at all of having kids..... yeah let that sink in! So for me initial positive test is then followed by a state of denial and then concern.  For some moms a positive test could be excitement because it could be the first, they could have been trying for awhile, or it just happen to be a pleasant surprise. For others it maybe bittersweet... how you ask? Well there are moms who have miscarried and when the test comes back positive they’re not sure whether to get excited or be worried about what’s next to come. Let me say this: whatever initial feeling you get in the moment or moments there after I’m telling you IT’S OK TO FEEL WHATEVER YOU'RE FEELING. EMBRACE IT! A woman can fall anywhere in the spectrum when getting a positive test and that leads to an emotional roller coaster rider whether we want to admit it or not which is why addressing mental health when it comes to pregnancy is a must...
