Little Farmhouse Cafe

Saturday late afternoon in ATL. A friend calls and says "let's go to eat, what are you in the mood for" by now yuall know the answer was "Breakfast".
So she gets to the house and we set to Google looking for something with appetizing food pics. We come across a cute little menu with good enough pics and hop in the car. To The Little Farmhouse Cafe we go. Now as we pull up (using the GPS) we thought we had the wrong address. We pulled into a warehouse district. Unbeknownst to us this warehouse area has been flipped to host not only the restaurant we chose but quite a few others and shops. We enter and grab a seat in the corner by the window. The place is small and quaint. It's the weekend so they give us the weekend menu which is explained to be half of the regular menu because the weekends get busy.
We get bigneits for the table. Which come and although sweet are hot and delicious. This was most definitely the theme of the and delicious.