Safe Traveling During COVID


For some of us quarantine has been a time to hibernate and for others…. No work means vacation. Either way I know many of you, especially avid travelers have gotten traveler’s itch. So if you decide to venture out into the Covid infested jungle here are a few tips to help you keep as safe as possible.

1.       Check Covid stats and quarantine policies of intended destinations and your home state.

a.       CDC.GOV has tips and a risk map, has a us cases map and allows you to click on each state for info on specific states.


2.       Consider alternative modes of transportation

a.       There are many modes of travel: Plane, Train, Bus but also consider driving. You get to be in your own space and travel whenever you feel like it.

b.       When it comes to air travel, some airlines are taking extra precaution by adding more cleaning to planes in between flights, spacing out customers. Also because of travel restrictions airlines are allowing date changes and cancelation fee waivers.


3.       Mask Up (Travel with PPE)

a.       Stay ready so you don’t have to get ready. Travel with all appropriate PPE. Gloves, hand sanitizer, cleaning solution (Clorox if you can find it), masks the correct kind, hand wipes, and use these items as much as possible. Also stay 6 feet. Make sure to wash your hand for at least 20 seconds with warm water and soap and change your gloves often.


4.       Alternative Activities

a.       Try to stay away from enclosed spaces. Open air and spaced activities are better, dining out, parks, hiking, biking, the beach those types of things.


5.       Get Tested

a.       Testing is available at many sites. Some airports even have testing. Test before you trip and afterwards regular testing is free so why not.  Some off-mainland destinations require it certain number of hours before entering, and it gives you peace of mind.


6.       Quarantine when you get back home

a.       Whether you went to an approved destination or not, for the safety of you and others just stay away from the general public for a few to make sure.