Good Ole Cabin Trip


So over the weekend I took my first Cabin Trip! I know for a person that travels on the regular you would think this would have already been done. Whelp nope!! I didn’t know it was something I needed to cross off my bucket list until it happened. So the location was a small little town called Deep Creel Lake in Maryland. A Huge cabin with 24 people….yes I said it 24 people. Now, we are still in a Pandemic so COVID Tests were required before hand, but it also felt a little safer because 1. We drove to the location. 2. We stayed at a Cabin instead of a hotel or resort, avoiding extra people. 3. We cooked so we weren’t out on the town (or lack thereof). Even though it was 24 people there was plenty of space. Three floors with 6.5 bathrooms, 2 kitchens, 2 living rooms a wraparound patio, hot tub, and it was on the lake! Activities were planned for every day there was a game night, karaoke, fish fry, family dinner, Sunday Brunch, Justice League Watch Party, even laser tag, go-carts and mini golf. We most definitely used every inch of the house, and one the biggest things that surprised me and I liked was the comradery of the community there. Everyone that knows me knows I’m not really a people person however I stepped outside of my comfort zone and ended up having a blast. Now I will say the libations helped in that department.


So if you and your friends are dying to get away but are still uneasy about the outside. I would suggest a cabin trip!!