Mommy Diaries: Entry 4

Note to my Newborn

I have been through so much this year! Starting the year off with an unexpected death, to the rise of a global pandemic that shut the world down, to the sheet being pulled back and a public show of the social injustice our people have been enduring for years, to severe illness in the family that tested my faith for sure(pssst prayer works and we came out victorious!).... it has been A LOT!

BUT GOD placing you inside me has been a constant reminder that he is in control, miracles do exist, and the strength and faith we need is within us! I didn’t stress and I never showed signs of weakness. Everyone around me kept asking how are you so calm? Aren’t you worried that we may not have a job and you’re about to have a baby? Aren’t you afraid of getting sick? My answer was always, BUT GOD! I didn’t have any of the answers and these were all valid questions, but I knew what was occurring both in the world and inside me I had no control over and for the first time in my life I let go. When I tell you I’ve never felt a peace so strong and serene. You have made me stronger baby, more mindful, more cautious, and you’ve even made me smarter. You see mommy has a condition called PCOS (polycysistic ovarian syndrome) and according to the doctors and research the chances of having or even carrying a baby are very slim to none! And you’re baby #2!!!! I cried because I am blessed and honored to have been chosen to carry, and a king at that? Now that’s something special. I did a lot of research because I wanted to ensure you had the proper care while still on the inside and because daddy is very intellectual and on another level. I was vegan long before you were thought about so that took care of that. I was more mindful of the things I did and people I was around knowing that energies transfer. I was and will always Be vested on every level to protect you with my entire being. I can’t lie I look around and I hear the news and for a moment I’m frightened about the things you’ll have to go through, the people you will encounter, and the lessons you’ll have to learn whether mommy wants you to or not; but what I do know is that God would NOT have placed you here if he were not going to protect you. Throughout this entire pregnancy there was a constant reminder that we were born for a time such as this... AND SO ARE YOU BABY! You went through these times with mommy and still remained healthy and full of energy (my goodness 🤦🏾‍♀️). So just as mommy is not worried neither should you be. We have to live life with purpose, understand we have a divine mission to touch and inspire others through our being, by being present in and sharing our experiences. I also want you to know you were birthed out of love, you have one of the strongest support systems a being could ask for, and mommy and daddy loves you with everything in us!

B James