Savage X Fenty

Savage X Fenty


Oh so we’re at show #2 for the lingerie line Savage Fenty and if you haven’t see either by now you’re missing out on a true treat. When you watch scratch that you need to watch! So let me rephrase that.... when you watch it’s more of an experience. There’s so many elements of surprise and delight and it shows the true artistry of Rihanna as a creative. “Fans” continue to ask for music, but if any of them ( now I’m not asking for the navy to come for be buuuut) has seen the show they will truly see that she has found her knack. She’s completely involved from design, to fitting, to model casting, to production, to actually modeling in the show herself. You can see it’s a labor of love and it translates. I’m positive this is one of the reasons the new line has been sold out since the show dropped alongside the fact she dropped a Men’s line... oh you didn’t know? It’s restocked and sold out twice. If you haven’t watched show 1 I’d advise you do that first as it tells the story from being to end of the journey of creating a line, the production of it, and the making of the actual show. ; show 2 lets it play out with some interaction from surprise guess and all the intensity of why the lingerie portrays and means to those wearing it. They are a must see... if you ask nicely I just might give you my amazon info to login and indulge

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