Brunch Box


Now you know I'm a breakfast breakfast for breakfast, breakfast for lunch (Brunch) and why not for dinner (dinkfast ? 🤷🏾‍♂️) So when I heard the name....Brunch box and saw they had breakfast all day I was intrigued. I look at the menu and not only do they have breakfast they have other items too, but I'm more interested in the breakfast. So it was most definitely ba stop I was going to make on this Portland trip. Intrigued on how the presentation would be I was ready to dine in, but of course Covid so at the moment they only do Take out. Not a chain, but would most definitely make money on the east coast if they did, Brunch Box normally has two locations but because of the pendulum one location is currently closed. When I first looked at the menu 2 items caught my eye. The cow poke and the Lumberjack. When in I ended up with the Lumberjack. It was hearty to say the least. All the meats, eggs, cheese, and your choice of maple or jelly. I also got the breakfast potatoes, like I needed anymore, and topped it off with a birthday cake milkshake. I know the shake was a weird add-on but hey my palette is different. This place is most definitely LAG approved!!! From every sprinkle, to every sandwich crumb, to the last potato I devoured the meal. I wasn't that hungry the food was just that good.
