
Yes the daiquiris are good, I mean it’s in the name, but let’s not forget about the “& Grill” part, because that’s what surprised me. Known for its poppin’ brunch atmosphere I heard a few things about the restaurant. With the present brunch culture that now focuses more on the experience, some restaurants lose track of the fact that its BRUNCH!!! The food should be the main focus and everything an additive.

Long story short, the food was good. They boast what sets them apart from other similar establishments is the fact they “upped the ante …..providing fresh seafood dishes of the highest quality.” With Atlanta being a hot spot, the restaurant market Is a tough one to get into and retain customers. Cirque seems to not have a problem in that department and looks to be around for a while. Some honorable mentions for dishes to try:


Crab fingers-  crab claws fried in garlic butter. This was a new concept that I’ve never seen before I was both intrigued and salivating. It wasn’t my appetizer but I most definitely snatched a few.


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Southwest Chicken Egg Rolls- fried egg rolls with black beans, shredded cabbage, corn, chicken served with sweet chili sauce


Shrimp and grits   

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